Response to anti-Trumper

A person who is close to me responded to an article I emailed concerning Van Jones’ comment on Trump’s not being given proper credit for his work to benefit the black community. The response expressed the difference between our “politics.”  My response to the response follows.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”–Goebbels (Nazi subhuman)

Mainstream editorials of Trump dressed up as reportage: “Trump is like Hitler!”  

Folks who rely solely or mostly on mainstream “news”: “Trump is like Hitler!”

First off, I don’t give a hoot about politics!  I’m a registered Democrat but have always voted independently based on issues and individuals.  What I care about NOW is the survival of the United States as a Constitutional Republic, another way of saying as a free country.  Such a concern transcends politics.  The Constitution is a firewall against fascism, and the Democrat Party today (the Obamacrat party) is fascisticTranslation: If Biden is elected president and the Democrats (Obamacrats) take the Senate, you can kiss the Constitution goodbye.  If that unexpurgated disaster occurs, these fascistic Obamacrats (Democrats), using Covid media hype as an excuse, will do countrywide what Obamacrat (Democrat) mayors and governors across the country are doing locally: inhibit freedom of assembly, inhibit freedom of religion, inhibit freedom of movement, and even inhibit freedom of dress.  Why?  Because today’s Democrat (Obamacrat) Party is not the party of Adlai Stevenson, JFK, Pat Moynihan, “Scoop” Jackson. It is a conglomeration of radical leftwing political hack politicians who possess an extreme fascistic bent and agenda the first priority of which is to gain power, hold on to it at all costs, and dominate the population (the serfs–us) as long as they can.  Combined with this, the Democrat party of today, along with its anti-Americanism bent, includes anti-Semites, and anti-Israel political dregs. They desire one party rule (the Democrat-Obamacrat Party), while virile anti-Semites among them desire the elimination of the State of Israel.

My argument with you anti-Trumpers has less to do about Trump, and more to do about information.  What news sources do you access?  Anything other than mainstream?  CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN…and all the cables other than FOX or NEWSMAX?  If so, you have been brainwashed.  When I used the term “brainwashed” I am not being cliché but factual.  How so?  Because the outlets you view (if they are mainstream) are not reporting the news.  They are reporting their political opinions dressed up in a news format because they have an anti-Trump political agenda.  The days of Walter Cronkite and John Chancellor are long gone.  That was when a news anchor distinguished between his own political views and his reportage.  No such distinction exists in today’s “news” media.Example: What if Obama had finalized peace deals between Israel and a host of Arab-Muslim countries: the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, with Saudi Arabia and Morocco waiting the wings…plus making a peace deal between Serbia and Kosovo and Kosovo and Israel?  If Obama had achieved such a feat it would have been front page news for a week or more, and repeated again and again for a year and beyond.  But because Trump promoted and facilitated these peace agreements, you haven’t seen it anywhere in the “news” you watch. Why? Because those outlets didn’t report it beyond perhaps a miniscule mention of it somewhere.  Why?  Because they refuse to acknowledge Trump’s achievements.  For them, such an acknowledgement would be an advertisement for Trump.  For them, defeating Trump trumps accurate news reporting.  Example: If Obama initiated prison reform, as Trump did, which liberated thousands of black people from prison who were incarcerated (many by Biden–see link below) for minor crimes, it would have been front page news for a week. Why don’t you know of Trump’s prison reform which liberated many of these prisoners? Because it wasn’t widely reported.  Why?  Because it was a Trump [Joe Biden on Crime and Mass Incarceration]

accomplishment: an advertisement for Trump to mainstream media moguls way of thinking.  Why do you keep on hearing that Trump is a racist, a Nazi, Hitler?  (Even though his daughter and son-in-law are Jews; even though he recognizes Jerusalem as the Eternal capital of the Jewish People and fulfilled a decades old promise to move the American embassy there; even though he is working to withdraw American troops from around the world rather than export them Hitler-like for conquest; even though he is pro-Second Amendment, while Hitler and other fascists {including Democrat-Obamacrat fascists} abhor the thought of an armed citizenry.) Because the mainstream media rogues keep on telling people that Trump is a fascist, Trump is Hitler, Trump is a white supremacist, people believe it who do not access alternative news sources and hear the facts. Why do the mainstream media do this? Because they are leftwing hacks who hate Trump and who loathe his trying to restore Constitutional government and American power, and because the owners of these “news” outlets have deep vested interests in a status quo the foundations of which Trump is jolting.  (See links below.)[What’s Wrong With the News?] [In the age of Trump, media bias comes into the spotlight]

Why are you not being told about how Americans and others are not getting their heads chopped off anymore by ISIS subhumans? Answer: Because it was Trump who eliminated ISIS from the world map, an entity whose land size growth equaled that of the United Kingdom.  As Americans and others were getting their heads chopped off by the maniac subhuman ISIS scum (labeled by incompetent–to be mild–Obama as a “JV team”); as these subhumans were raping little girls, sex trafficking their mothers and murdering their fathers and brothers, Obama was–quite detestably–sleeping or playing golf!  Do you remember Kayla Mueller?  She was the American humanitarian captured and repeatedly raped by ISIS leader Baghdadi. Obama did not raise a finger to get her out.The incompetent Obama should have been impeached and kicked out of office just for that incredible act of detestable malfeasance.  Kayla’s parents said that if Trump were president at the time of their daughter’s captivity she would have been liberated before her death. Trump eventually initiated a military operation (named after Kayla) that tracked down and executed justice on the rabid subhuman Baghdadi.[Kayla Mueller: Parents of murdered Isis hostage say Trump would have saved her during RNC speech][Kayla Mueller’s mother: Daughter might still be alive ‘If Obama had been as decisive’ as Trump][Death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi] 

Do you not see the difference between Trump and Obama?  But the “news” media you access never reports this contrast because the leftwing media hacks love Obama and hate Trump, and this political bent translates into diabolically inaccurate reportage.  Underling this point is the fact that if this “news” media had accurately reported on Obama during his primary run against Hillary Clinton, Clinton would have won the primary.  This “news” media failed to report on his twenty year attendance at a church led by the “Reverend” J. Wright, who was anti-white, anti-Semitic, and anti-American, having commented after 9/11 that America had gotten what it deserved.  Finally, toward the end of the primary run, the story got out and from that point on Obama lost every race against Clinton except for one.  Do you see how important accurate reporting is? Because reporting molds minds, precipitates thinking in this direction or that.

The night of Benghazi when our diplomats were being murdered Obama was sleeping, probably dreaming of the next day’s golf outing.  When he first heard of the Benghazi attack the lazy good-for-nothing bum told then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to handle it.  However, the Secretary of State does not have the authority to order troops or military apparatus to fulfill a function.  In short, Obama-the-malfeasant sacrificed our diplomats in Libya, including the ambassador, to murderous terrorist thugs.  Never heard about that on the above mentioned mainstream “news” outlets, did you?  It’s all in the Impeach Hussein Obama Caesar piece mentioned below.  Check it out! 

If the Malfeasant One (Obama) were responsible for the greatest economy ever, you would have been proud of him because you would have known about it.  But because Trump earned such an accomplishment, you still loath him because you DON’T know of it and the “news” you hear even tells you it was an aftereffect of the Malfeasant One’s (Obama’s) economy (which happened to have been an abysmal failure).  

[Note: Obama was the president everyone should have hated and who should have been impeached AND convicted AND thrown out of office AND tried for treason. But the mainstream media LOVEDthis miscreant who is now filthy rich (with a new multi-million dollar beach house) from having been president whose salary in no way could have accumulated such wealth, while Trump has lost tons of money being president, of which you never hear on your “news” outlets.  The joke is this: the rogues in the media and the political hacks in the Obamacrat-Democrat Party have been trying to pin the emoluments clause on Trump!  But the joke is on us, the citizenry.  Read about Malfeasant Obama and what a prize he was–of which you and half the population were and are unaware because the mainstream “news” never reported on this malfeasant’s criminality…but I did:

[Note: The following quote is from the above blog site: “If a future Edward Gibbon will be in a position to write The Decline and Fall of the United States of America, he will certainly pinpoint late 20th and 21st century mainstream media news outlets as conglomerates of left-wing ideologues whose primary purpose had become to pump an unconscious population full of left-wing propaganda in a news format, rather than actually report objective news.  “mainstream news media” would be listed in this book’s index under, Major Culprits in the decline and fall of U.S.” ]

I can spend a couple of days researching and going through hosts of great things Trump has done for this country that you (and even I) don’t know about.  He is the hardest working president in American history along with Lincoln.  But you will never know it by accessing mainstream “news” outlets. They don’t want you to know.  They want you to think their way…and vote the way they want you to vote.

In this response to your reply I am NOT being political.  I am being existential.  If I thought Trump were another Obama I would hate his guts the way I hate Obama’s guts for what he did to this country.  When I write of Trump’s accomplishments I am not idealizing or idolizing, but stating facts…not political bias.  Trump hardly sleeps!  And he is NOT getting a salary because he is giving it back to the country!!!  And as he has been doing all of these great things he is being constantly attacked by the “news” media you access and by Obamacrat (Democrat) reprobates who tried to take him out on totally false charges of Russian collusion (a subterfuge created by Hillary Clinton to take attention away from her destroying her emails and other subpoenaed evidence that could have been used against her in future criminal proceedings); tried to take him out on totally false charges of Ukrainian collusion (a BS story for which he was frivolously impeached); and who is met by constant resistance from the Obamacrats (Democrats) rather than they being his partners in governing…the manner in which government should operate.

On the other hand, you hear nothing of Biden’s criminality. The mainstream media crushed the Hunter Biden story as soon as The New York Post broke it. This news [BIDEN SECRET E-MAILS]

story depicts, via emails on Hunter Biden’s computer’s hard drive, how Hunter Biden was a go-between for Ukrainian government officials and his father (Joe Biden, the U.S. Vice President) allowing these Ukrainians to buy influence from Joe Biden.  So when Joe Biden says that he never received money from foreign government officials, he is technically correct.  These foreign officials (in this case Ukrainian officials) funneled the money to Joe through his son Hunter: a money launderer!  This is the story squashed by Twitter and Facebook.  Mainstream “news” media used this as an excuse to squash it also.  See?  The mainstream media–including social media–do not want you to be informedThey want you to vote for Biden!  Don’t you think you should make up your own mind????  By the way, the Bidens’ illicit dealings with Ukrainian government officials is child’s play compared to their dealings with government officials in fascist China. “Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China served the ‘strategic interests’ of the country’s communist government and military — and may have imperiled American national security, claims a new documentary exclusively previewed by The Post.”[Hunter Biden’s deals ‘served’ China and its military, new documentary claims]  By the way, whom do you think China and Iran want to win this election?  Not Trump!!! If Biden wins, China will own him, and he will re-institute the Iran nuclear deal which will put Iran on a path to nuclear weapons, plus he will lift the crushing sanctions Trump has placed on Iran which hopefully, if left in place, will end the lunatic regime of the subhuman mullahs.  Under the Trump sanctions, the mullahs are going broke.

Right now you are prepared to vote for Joe Biden, as corrupt a politician as has ever infested the halls of Congress. But you won’t know it unless you access news media alternative to mainstream bunk.  Check this one out:–dj2-CY [Biden shake Down of Ukraine on sons behalf VIDEO: Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian (sic) Prosecutor Fired] It’s like this: Joe’s son Hunter had a do-nothing job for a corrupt energy company in Ukraine.  He was being paid large sums of money for a job in which he had no expertise.  A Ukrainian prosecutor was investigating this company until Joe Biden threatened the Ukrainian government with a holding back of funds promised to Ukraine by the U.S. unless they fired the investigating prosecutor.  Ukraine fired the prosecutor. When I hear Joe Biden on this video, I say to myself, “John Gotti is turning over in his grave with envy at Joe Biden’s shakedown expertise.”  Question: Is this the guy you want to be president? 

Ruminate on this: If that reprobate criminal Biden (infested with dementia, in case you haven’t heard of that fact yet) wins this election (God in Heaven forbid forbid forbid forbid forbid forbid) you can KISS your freedom goodbye! He will tell you you have to wear a filthy, dirty, oxygen restricting, carbon dioxide promoting mask for the rest of your life.  He will tell you you can’t go outside because of the politically hyped corona mania.  He will DESTROY THE ECONOMY with high taxes, tons of regulations, CORONA LOCKDOWNS!!!!!, and the elimination of so called “fossil” fuel. When this Biden imbecile–or whoever takes over after several months, or a year or two when his dementia gets the best of him–begins initiating “The Green New Deal” and the Obamacrat-Democrat fools try to eliminate oil and gas, watch your electric and gasoline bills SKYROCKET.  And your life, my life, everyone else’s life who is not a criminal will be endangered by the continued diminution of law enforcement agencies (the police) around the country because the leftwing loons either do not know how to utilize their police, or despise their police, defund their police, eliminate their police altogether…and in all cases do not allow them to do their jobs. Have the “news” outlets you access totally blocked out the riots and mayhem in Democrat-Obamacrat cities and states around the country?  You don’t want to live in a country where thugs are allowed to run rampant and do anything they want with no legal repercussions, do you? Well, that’s what you will get countrywide with a Biden presidency.  Criminal and violent gangs like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are voting for Biden.  Please don’t forget that when you vote.  On the other hand, I will make a prediction: God willing, if Trump is reelected, he will enact the Insurrection Act, and use the military to put these thugs out of business in cities and states whose Obamscrat-Democrat mayors and governors refuse to fulfill their responsibility.  

For you it may have to be a choice between the lesser of two evils.  But remember, not Trump but Biden has comported himself criminally…despite the bunk you hear on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, et al.  After four years of the most intense investigation by the Mueller probe and FBI investigators were unable to discover any illegal activity on the part of President Trump. 

Here’s my advice: access alternative media outlets before it’s too late and vote for preserving a Constitutional Republic by voting against Biden, even if you still unjustly hate Trump. You can start with talk radio, and alternative cable networks like Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network.  (For the radio shows, google Hugh Hewitt in the morning who is a Constitutional attorney and who knows what’s going on, and Mark Levin in the evening, a Constitutional attorney who also knows what’s going on.  Each of these experts will give you FACTS.  Try Rush Limbaugh or Dennis Prager (both broadcast at the same hours, so check which one you can access), Mike Gallagher, and google “conservative” talk show hosts. Then you will hear what’s really going on.  They will tell you what’s going on on the left.  You can agree or disagree with their opinions, but you will hear FACTS that you will never hear in mainstream “news” media.  Listen to the mainstream if you want, but if you listen to these radio talk shows, you will hear facts of reality along with opinion.  Otherwise, you are listening only to the mainstream “news” media Sirens: enjoying their deadly murderous Songs.

 Listen with care 
 to this, now, and a god will arm your mind.
 Square in your ship’s path are Seirênês, crying
 beauty to bewitch men coasting by;
 woe to the innocent who hears that sound!
 He will not see his lady nor his children
 in joy, crowding about him, home from sea;
 the Seirênês will sing his mind away
 on their sweet meadow lolling. There are bones
 of dead men rotting in a pile beside them
 and flayed skins shrivel around the spot.
 Steer wide; 
 keep well to seaward; plug your oarsmen’s ears
 with beeswax kneaded soft; none of the rest
 should hear that song.
 [Homer The Odyssey; (Trans. Robert Fitzgerald)]

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InnerSanctum News

[Why are we suicidal?]


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Trump Was Brilliant at Summit and Fake News Are Going Nuts!

Rush Ravages Media Over Trump-Putin Summit Coverage

Trump bordered on being deferential in Putin meeting

“Trump is…infinitely infuriated that the Obama White House weaponized law enforcement to defeat him, and that even some members of his own team appear to be working against him….
“But Trump’s mistake is to lump the question of meddling with the charge that he colluded with Russia to steal the election. By conflating them into a single issue, the only possible answer he can give is No, Hell No!”

Is Volcanic Activity Increasing Across the Globe? No, But Your Brain Thinks So


UFOs Revealed


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InnerSanctum News

InnerSanctum News Commentary

Vitriolic reaction to Trump should have been the reaction to Hussein Obama Caesar

It continues to amaze me how half the population (constantly inundated with mainstream editorials dressed up as news) are reacting to Trump the way they SHOULD have reacted to Hussein Obama Caesar. Hussein Obama Caesar was, as president, a soft spoken fascist who weaponized federal agencies such as the IRS and FBI to go after political opponents. As for the southern border, everything the mainstream “news” media is reporting now (such as family separation) was occurring during the Bush 2 and Obama Caesar administrations. As a matter of fact, under Obama children were placed in cages. On the other hand, Trump is trying to correct the problem.

The media rarely reported something bad about Hussein Obama Caesar because they loved him for two major reasons: he was (and is) an extreme left-winger and he is to appearance black, he thus becoming the first black U.S. president. (Never mind that he is half white or, as Bo Snerdley, Rush Limbaugh’s African-American call-screener has occasionally said, “Obama doesn’t have a drop of slave blood in him.” [A paraphrase.]

Because of many people’s ignorance concerning what a disaster for the U.S.A. and the rest of the world, the Hussein Obama Caesar administration was, it would benefit them if they visited the following blog site and read IMPEACHMENT, CONVICTION, AND EJECTION OF HUSSEIN OBAMA CAESAR.

Here’s the difference between the several calls for Obama’s impeachment when Obama was acting like Caesar, and for the many screams for Trump’s impeachment: Hussein Obama Caesar committed impeachable offenses and Trump has not. Read the above cited piece and see for yourself.


Strzok Strikes Comedy Parody Gold: Think Percy Dovetonsils Meets Vincent D’Onofrio Meets Paul Lynde




Trump Must Release All Evidence of 9/11 and UFO Coverups and JFK Assassination Lone Gunmen Myths

Bernard Kerik: Why Manafort Was Put in Solitary

“Paul Manafort…is in solitary confinement because the U.S. Justice Department is desperate to see a victory at all cost…”

John Brennan Entered CIA in 1980 Though Voted Communist in 1976

DNC, Perez Attack Kavanaugh in Blog Post Using Picture of Wrong Person

Who Killed the Center-Left?

“…one is tempted to believe that romanticism and extremism grow ever stronger.”

Is Hillary Clinton secretly planning to run in 2020?
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InnerSanctum News

[Why are we suicidal?]


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InnerSanctum News

The Trump Effect: Iran’s Economy on Verge of Collapse, Regime Change Coming

Nuclear Lies? North Korea Needs to Answer for New Satellite Photos

“Stab Donald Trump in the back, and you will pay a hefty price.”

Pence Tells Central American Leaders ‘This Exodus Must End’

Israel delivers tons of aid as Syrians flee for border

Obama Is Working Behind The Scenes To Undermine Trump

Obama Introduced as ‘Real President of the United States’

Mom Follows Maxine Waters’ Advice, Confronts Scott Pruitt in Restaurant
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[Why are we suicidal?]


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InnerSanctum News


America Is Now Officially In A Civil War: How We Will Win Convincingly, Triumphantly and Decisively

OBAMA COMRADE BETRAYS HIS BOSS, ADMITS BARACK’S ORDER TO SABOTAGE AMERICA,%20Admits%20Barack%E2%80%99s%20Order%20To%20Sabotage%20America

Gowdy torches Rosenstein: ‘If you have evidence of wrongdoing present it to the damn grand jury’

Actor Warns: “Violence is the Next Stop” for Crazed Liberals

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is now the vanguard of the Democrats


InnerSanctum News Commentary

The Movie The Planet of the Apes Had Nothing to Do With Race

Most people don’t think of this, but Roseanne’s comment about THE PLANET OF THE APES may not have been racial. I only saw the original movie with Charlton Heston. The movie had nothing to do with race. One of the astronauts was a black guy, and the apes treated him worse than the white guy Heston! Roseanne may have been referring to the closed, fascist nature of the ape regime, which perhaps reminded her of the Hussein Obama Caesar regime. (Go to:

Vintage InnerSanctum News from 11/4/’13

Read IMPEACHMENT, CONVICTION, AND EJECTION OF HUSSEIN OBAMA CAESAR and see why all the Trump haters are hating the wrong Pres.).

Also, Larry Elder, a black talk show host, agreed with a caller that Valerie Jarrett looks like the actress who played the female ape doctor in the film, plus the fact that Roseanne may not have known that Jarrett is part black. (You can’t tell by just looking at her, can you?) Elder remarked that all Roseanne had to do was say she didn’t know Jarrett was black when she tweeted her tweet and then apologize for having made a bad joke.

Our society is way too super-sensitive at this point in time. ALL IN THE FAMILY and Don Rickles wouldn’t stand a chance.

Listen: Pilot Reports Puzzling UFO Encounter Over Long Island

WARNING: Shellfish are now testing positive for opioids

Vaccinated children are more likely to develop OCD and other anxiety disorders

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[Why are we suicidal?]




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